About Emily.

Education, Credentials, & Certifications

  • Master of Social Work, New Mexico Highlands University, 2022

  • Licensed Social Worker (LCSW), Colorado CSW.09930925

  • Colorado SOMB & DVOMB Associate Level Treatment Provider & Evaluator

  • Wilderness First Responder

  • Trained in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Motivational Interviewing, and Polyvagal Approach

My path to this field was not-so linear and, at times, even messy. Since moving west in 2015, I’ve volunteered with Americorps, taught English abroad, worked as a backpacking guide and wilderness therapy guide, and served as a victim advocate for sexual assault survivors. Sprinkled in between are many positions working in retail, waiting tables and serving coffee. I’d say every single one of these experiences developed my skills in connecting with others in an authentic way.

Believe it or not, I avoided therapy for for most of my life and cringed at the idea of it. Being vulnerable with a new person can feel exposing and scary. Through some exploration and failures, however, I learned that finding a therapist who is a right fit can have a tremendous impact on a person’s life. Sometimes, we simply need an outside perspective to work through various challenges.

My role as your therapist is to share in the effort of using life’s experiences as opportunities to grow closer to your truest, most fulfilled self. My role is to show up real and honest and to offer a space for you to be you, however it may look that day. I believe in the power of resiliency and will offer safety and support to help you find it. You are in the driver’s seat, and we will work at your own pace.

I hold a Master’s in Clinical Social work from New Mexico Highlands University, and I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Colorado. I received my Bachelor’s in International Studies and Political Science from Rhodes College.

Professional Memberships

  • National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

  • Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA)

  • Individual Sessions

    Offered in person or online.

    $120 per 50 minute session

  • Families

    Offered in person or online.

    $150 per 60 minute session